Please allow me to play-think out loud for three moments.
What if two characters are thinking the same two words but maybe not the same thought?
What if those two words switched positions in the thought balloon? How about the letters?
What if the position of the two characters changed relative to each other?
The story, for me changes. I imagine the stories would also be different for anyone who plays along. There is a universe full of story context that could be applied to these moments.
Here’s the thing: When I scribbled the cartoon on my tablet, I did not feel compelled to finish more of the story in the drawing. I wanted to leave it be and revisit it every now and then, gather up more life experiences and perspectives, and find out if my stories change.
It’s so weird that I am happier creating a vague and wide open space to fill outside the frame.
The changing story thing is a phenomenon that seems to happen more and more as I grow old. It happens when reading books, watching movies, listening to music. The story/song changes, in those moments, when revisited.
I am happy you are here at this moment and am curious about your experience with this same thingy (is there a name for it?).